30 March 2011


Elvis Blue
What was the experience and what emotions went through when you heard that you are SA Idol winner 2010?
I have never won much before.......winning anything this is absolutely excilirating.
How did this influence your life?
In the past 12 years I have really struggled to get my music out there. I have recorded 5 unsuccessful albums, banged on many doors and experienced allot of frustration. At the end of the day I simply want to do what I love and make a living. Idols has given me this opportunity.

What is your motivation in this specific career
I believe we are all meant to do something. I think music is that thing for me
The humbleness you have about being 2010 SA idol, how do you keep up staying humble, what is your momotivation
LOL......thank you for the wonderful complement

What kind of artist you expect to become?
Hopefully i can just be myself

Do you have a particular music style that will be in your album?I have always liked soulfull melodies and good lyrics. I hope to make this type of music
Will your songs have your message on or will be just pop pretty songs
Hopefully pretty songs with a message......

Any other special Talents?Love surfing

Elvis Blue, a stage name, which is in memory of a friend of yours, named Elvis Blue, who was an 11 year old boy who died of HIV/AIDS – tell us more about that, and how he influenced your life.
Elvis was a dreamer.......dreamers inspire

Any last words?
Thank you to everyone who has helped the album reach gold status

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